Help! I hate my job!

Several years ago I was helping a young man who was between jobs.   After getting to know him better in order to help him find another job in his field, he confessed to me that he really didn’t like his former job, and was honestly relieved that he had been laid off.

“What didn’t you like about it?”  I asked.  “Pretty much about everything!” was his reply.  As I probed to learn more, this young man told me that his parents had encouraged him to go into engineering because they thought it was steady work and it paid well.  He did well in school, and had no problem landing his first job, but a couple of months into it, he was miserable.

In trying to understand how this could happen, I asked my client to take a behavioral assessment to help us both understand him better.  The results of that assessment indicated that he was NOT a “detail” person that he really liked to interact with other people – two strikes against his success as an engineer.

He had made his first career decision without having the whole picture of who he is.   Once he knew about how he communicated with others, and what his unique traits added to an organization, he was able to change course and find a new position in which he was a good fit.

If you are having trouble identifying what your ideal job is, or where you fit in best, consider taking a closer look at the whole picture, which not only includes your education and experience, but also how you interact with others, and what motivates you.  The staff at Blue Gill Consulting Group is certified to help you find that “good fit” through our science-based assessments.

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